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Vyāsa-pūjā 2020

Bhuvanapūjitā Rādhikā devī dāsī (Balarāma Deśa - Middle East)

Hare krishna Guru Maharaja,

Please  accept my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet!

All glories to Guru and Gauranga!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


First of all I would like to beg your forgiveness for being such an undisciplined spiritual daughter of yours. I am constantly thinking of sending the homage but waited till the last minute, as I feel that there is more to add.

In this pandemic situation it is very painful that the most cherished day of the year, your Vyasa puja which is the most favourite day for me, has to be celebrated at home, neither in temples nor in  the association of devotees.

In this precarious situation of COVID  pandemic, shelter of your lotus feet is the only safe place.  You, the pilot of Gauranga Airlines will be taking us to safety which is for sure. 

I adore  you for the  immense great qualities you have, would  like to mention some.You are my HERO who will rescue us from this dangerous situation now and always.


H - Hospitality, devotee care has always been close to your heart. I remember, whenever we visited Mayapur, your first question would be,” Hope you are having a comfortable stay here. Please let me know how I can serve you.” This humility of yours touched my heart. You have instructed all devotees that all should prioritise devotee care to one and all who visits Mayapur, which is being practiced wholeheartedly by all.


E - Enthusiasm - Your spirit to do things enthusiastically is so contagious. You are as enthusiastic as a child full of energy, even a normal person doesn’t have the energy you have. You attend meetings for hours, attend functions as many in a day and give evening classes on the roof of Lotus building without fail, even storms and heavy rains don’t stop you from giving classes. For the safety of devotees you ask them to leave to their homes but you gave the class on Facebook on that stormy and rainy night.


R - Radiant - Your radiance is magnified multifold when devotees or non devotees swarm Mayapur. When new devotees come in groups and ask you questions, beaming with radiance, reply to them, especially if they are children you glorify them and answer their queries too. 

And what to describe the radiance you emanate during Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama, especially this time there was a new party, South India party, the way you were encouraging the new party was amazing. In spite of your ill health you visited each party sharing glories of Navadvipa Mandala in high spirits.


O - Omniscient -  You are an expert in everything, spiritual and material knowledge. You are updated with the latest technology, world news, economics, environment. You are well versed in all scriptures which is evident through your lectures and the book you are compiling Sri Krishna Caitanya is going to be a great gift for our sampradaya. Cooking is your field of expertise too, you know all the cuisines of the world, the spices used and speciality of each cuisine.

You are a linguist too, you communicate with each devotee in their language, even though it is just simple words in their native language, you know it will strike the chord of their heart.


In this way Guru Maharaja you are my HERO who has accepted me as your spiritual daughter for which I am indebted to you always. Hope this pandemic ends soon and we are able to visit Mayapur and have your darshan. 

Seeking your mercy and blessings which you have been showering me and my family unconditionally.


Always in your service

Ever indebted to you

Bhuvanapujita Radhika devi dasi [Diksha]

Nandasuta Govinda Das [Diksha]
